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About myopia and early intervention
What is myopia?
Myopia is often referred to as nearsightedness. Its primary symptom is blurry distance vision. The degree of an individual’s myopia is typically indicated by the edge thickness of their glasses and the negative number (a measure known as diopters) listed on their contact lens package or glasses prescription. The greater the negative number, the more severe the myopia. Myopia actually occurs when the eye is longer than it should be. This is concerning as it often gets worse in growing children. There are significant eye health and quality of life implications with every diopter of worsening myopia.1
Is there anything parents can do to prevent myopia?
While genetics6 play a role, the increase in childhood myopia cannot be explained by genetics alone. To help address the lifestyle factors that may influence myopia, it’s recommended that your child get eye exams at the appropriate age, spend at least 2 hours outdoors per day, and take frequent breaks from reading and screen time.7 If myopia develops, eye care professionals can prescribe myopia control treatment for your age-appropriate child to help reduce the rate of the progression.
Are there ways to tell at home if my child has myopia/nearsightedness?
Kids don’t always know that they have vision issues, especially nearsightedness. Many won’t complain about blurry distance vision when their iPad or TV is still clear. As a parent, you might notice your child squinting, or exhibiting certain behaviors like moving closer to the TV or sitting closer to the front of the classroom. The best way to tell for sure is to have a comprehensive eye exam.
How does screen time affect my child’s vision?
Studies have shown there may be a correlation between time spent doing near work and myopia. While screen time is largely unavoidable, optometrists recommend not having the screens too close, and a 5-10 minute break for every hour of near work.
When should my child have their earliest eye exams?
Children should have their first eye exam between 6-12 months. Follow-up exams should be scheduled at 3 years, before Kindergarten, and annually thereafter. The school-aged years are vitally important. To give children the best shot at learning, we want to make sure that they are seeing as clearly as possible. So much of their eye growth occurs during this time, and their optometrist can help make sure their visual development remains on track. If not, there are things an optometrist can do, like myopia treatment. Early intervention is critical.2 Myopia progression in kids can only be slowed, not reversed.
Myopia treatment options
What is MiSight® 1 day?
MiSight® 1 day soft contact lenses are specifically designed for myopia control and are FDA approved* to slow the progression of myopia in children aged 8-12 at initiation of treatment.4† As a daily disposable soft contact lens, its dual focus optical design allows your age- appropriate child to see clearly and signals the eye to slow down in its growth.4† This reduces the risk of sight-threatening eye health conditions down the road,8 while helping your age-appropriate child today.
What age can my child start wearing contact lenses?
Kids can safely wear contact lenses3 whether soft or hard. MiSight® 1 day soft contact lenses are specifically designed for myopia control and are FDA approved* to slow the progression of myopia in children aged 8-12 at initiation of treatment.4† Many age-appropriate children are capable of taking care of their lenses, and safely inserting and removing them,5‡ and parents can help too. Daily disposable contact lenses, like MiSight® 1 day, are the healthiest way to wear soft contact lenses6§ and are considered safe for age-appropriate children under the guidance of an eye care professional.3
What are the lifestyle implications of wearing MiSight® 1 day contact lenses?
In most cases, children prefer wearing contact lenses to regular eyeglasses.10†† MiSight® wearers with active lifestyles enjoy the freedom and confidence that comes with contact lens wear,11 as well as their improved distance vision.3 Like all contact lenses, MiSight® 1 day wearers should take the necessary precautions to avoid direct contact with water, since it can lead to infections.
How long will my child be wearing MiSight® 1 day contact lenses?
The duration of treatment depends on a number of factors and is best determined by your eye care professional. Your eye doctor will communicate a contact lens wearing schedule and office visit schedule to optimize your child’s outcomes.
Can my child insert and remove MiSight® 1 day contact lenses on their own?
In most cases, “yes”. In a recent three-year study of MiSight® 1 day contact lens use, 90% of children could insert and remove the lenses on their own.2 This included children as young as 8 years old. Another study showed that children learn to insert contact lenses quickly, with 57% finding lens insertion easy by week 1, improving to 90% by 1 month.10 With a little bit of guidance on the safe insertion and removal of their lenses, your child is likely to find the experience completely manageable.
MiSight® 1 day myopia management program
What does MiSight® 1 day cost?
MiSight® 1 day soft contact lenses are purchased through your Eye Care Professional as part of their myopia control program, which includes the necessary eye exams and fittings (so costs may vary). In general though, you can provide your age-appropriate child with their first year of clear vision9| and slowed myopia progression4 for around what you’d cumulatively spend on a daily latte. Subsequent years may cost slightly less.
Is financing for the MiSight® 1 day contacts available?
Payments are made directly to your MiSight® 1 day certified doctor or practice. Ask your eye doctor about their specific fees and payment options. Families can also take advantage of their personal health savings accounts (HSA) or employer-based flexible spending accounts (FSA) to help cover the MiSight® 1 day costs.